How to Boost Productivity by Upgrading Your Technology

No matter how small your business is, chances are you can make it more successful if you opt for the right technology and use it wisely. The thing everyone agrees is that each enterprise needs proper technological support, though to different extents. The problem is that small business budgets are usually very tight, especially when it comes to IT. Still, investments in it are not only necessary, but possibly the thing that is going to help you boost productivity, i.e. help you stand out among your competitors. However, what is it that you can do?

Latest software

Unfortunately, every piece of software becomes slow or obsolete after some time, which means you need to either upgrade it or purchase a new one, which will cater to your needs. This is especially true when it comes to operating systems, where older versions have potential security flaws that hackers might take advantage of. Cyberattacks are launched daily and it’s only a matter of time before your organization becomes a target. So, unless your software is up-to-date and well-protected, you’ll run into all sorts of problems, such as losing valuable data or being unable to perform your daily operations. The conclusion is simple: you can’t afford to run an outdated version of any piece of software.


Similarly, you can’t expect your hardware to work perfectly forever. On the contrary, computers, printers and peripherals also become outdated and may not be able to run the latest versions of the software you need. On top of all that, they become increasingly unreliable as they get older, which is another reason why you need to replace them when the time comes. Naturally, you can upgrade some hardware up to a point, but that action too can’t be performed in all situations. Finally, you need to understand that maintaining old hardware is not only more expensive, but you might find yourself in a position where certain components are no longer available on the market. Basically, both your hardware and software should always be up-to-date if you wish to minimize the risk of having major problems.

Choosing the right stuff

If you are not sure what kind of technology you need, you have to be extra careful and consult an expert. Investing in something that is either not good enough or which is too costly can easily make more problems than benefits. For example, if you’re in charge of a law firm, you need the best legal practice management software that is relevant to you and your work. The same applies when it comes to hardware. You may be tempted to save a few bucks by buying things that are either less reliable or second-hand, but that is really a risk you shouldn’t be taking.

Digitalizing and centralizing documents

It’s a well-known fact that paper documents are typically inefficient and limiting when it comes to accessibility. That’s why you need to scan paper documents, such as accounting, sales and project files and make them available on a centralized company network or in the cloud. Start-ups, once they’ve bought all the right technology, should acquire this habit from the very beginning in order to streamline their work and make it much more efficient.  

Opt for a reliable, high-speed network

Modern businesses can’t work without a high-speed connection that is available round the clock. That’s why you should carefully choose your provider because you’ll probably need people to collaborate from remote places, use video or voice applications, or communicate in some other way. All that requires a stable connection.

Revamp your website

With more and more people relying on the Internet for their shopping and as a source of information about particular products and services, you simply have to make your website as attractive and modern as possible. It should be mobile-optimized since people mostly use their mobile devices to access the net and you want all your current and prospective clients to navigate through it with ease.

Read Building a website or revamping one? 

Consider leasing your copier(s)

Each business needs at least one printer, scanner, and copier, but when you add up the costs, you might realize that your budget simply can’t afford all that. Surely, there are all-in-one units, which cost less than individual items, but the problem with them is that they become outdated even more quickly. One solution is to actually lease an all-in-one device and have it replaced every few years. That will save you some money and you’ll always have a device that is up-to-date and functioning perfectly.

These are just some of the most important tips related to how upgrading your technology can help you boost productivity. As you have already realized, there is no escape from using technology and you shouldn’t fear it. On the contrary, it’s something that can easily help you achieve better business results and beat the competitors.


Written By Jolene Rutherford

Jolene Rutherford is a marketing specialist - turned blogger, currently. Interested in digital marketing and new technology trends. Love sharing content that can help and inform people.