The impact of new technologies on business productivity and competitivity between the organization is considerable. That impact that in the beginning seemed to facilitate the development of several actions currently is present in every aspect of our lives and determine the way of working in the XXI century.

How the new technologies influence the companies

Every type of organizations, from start-ups to big multinationals, are using new technologies as the differential element from the competence. For that reason, the commercial strategies and politics, and different work organization are being conceived and apply a perspective of digital thinking.

The increase in business productivity is not related to the impact of new technologies. The right use of those tools does not only allows a better production but also helps to improve the quality and fast delivery of the products and services.

The technology and the productivity have become two allies essentials to the success of any business project. All the companies that still operate with an obsolete system will not remain much more in the market. Nowadays, the companies are obligated to adapt their production operations and processes to the new technologies, if they want to survive in the dynamic market.

One of the clearest examples of new technology impact on the business productivity is the process automatization, especially in the e-commerce. The new technologies have been integrated with all the action areas, from the development of new systems and processes to the market research and business development.

Involving the employees to optimize the productivity

Although the new technologies imply improvement of the resource management and the working process, to increase the productivity, we should keep in mind that the real force of change, which determines the improvement, is the employee. For that reason, and to avoid confusions and obtain the maximum benefit from that transformation, involving the workers is necessary.

Thanks to the appearance of Artificial Intelligence many tasks, previously complicated and laborious, have been recently assumed by robots or informatics programs, which allows the employees being more productive and focus on more renting tasks.  

New communication tools for companies

The new technologies have implied numerous advances in many fields, especially in telecommunication. At the business level, it allows the introduction of new work tools that facilitate both types of communications, the internal within the company and external with the customers.

The appearance of technology in the companies has entirely changed and evolved the internal communication due to new tools. The notes and messages on paper have been replaced by emails, instant messaging and even corporative social networks. It goes even further. The cloud computing has achieved improving the business productivity and efficiency. It connects all your workers and helps to do collaborative teamwork even from a distance. It makes the internal communication even faster and you will be able to give quick solutions to your customers. Having certain transparency helps to avoid complications, and the new principal characteristic of the internal communication is the immediacy, which allows the work optimization.

For the external communication, the technological tools have experimented very positive advance. The printed catalogs have become a website or even an enterprise application, the heavy call center infrastructures have made way to new call center software stored in the cloud, and even emails soon are going to be completely replaced by chatbots managed by Artificial Intelligence.

All those new options have had a double effect: on the one hand, the business communication with the clients has been improved, the organizations are more accessible, and the clients can find immediate answers to their questions. The other side of the coin is a certain obligation of transparency: that characteristic is now the differential element, which can tip the balance towards the purchase decision.

For that reason, the new technological advance has achieved significant progress in the business world. Each day new products appear in different sectors and a company, which want to be competitive, should follow the tendencies and the social development. However, by having positive effects on the productivity since it optimizes the work time, those innovations can indirectly complicate the task by making the customers more demanding with the company actions.

The companies should be constantly on the alert and adapt their operative methods to every new development, because, how Andre Heller well said: “Technology is like a fish. The longer it stays on the shelf, the less desirable it becomes”.



Written By Emma Smith

I am Emma Smith, PR and content manager at Fonvirtual. Fonvirtual provides companies and entrepreneurs with international virtual phone numbers. I’m interested in digital marketing, technology and international logistics. I am an usual collaborator in blogs, where I try to spread the word of telecom services in international business.